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🙏 Vajrapani Channa Dorje Mantra: Om Vajrapani Hum Mantra | The Purification Of Speech⚡

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Vajrapani Channa Dorje Mantra: Om Vajrapani Hum Mantra | The Purification Of Speech
🙏 Who is Vajrapani?

Vajrapāṇi (from Sanskrit Vajra, “thunderbolt” or “diamond” and pāṇi, lit. “in the hand”) is one of the earliest Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism.
He is the protector and guide of The Buddha, and rose to symbolize The Buddha’s Power. Vajrapani was used extensively in Buddhist iconography as one of the three Protective deities surrounding The Buddha.
Each of them symbolizes one of The Buddha’s virtues:
Manjusri (the manifestation of all the Buddhas’ Wisdom),
Avalokitesvara (the manifestation of all the Buddhas’ Compassion) and
Vajrapani (the manifestation of all the Buddhas’ Power as well as The Power Of All 5 Tathagathas).
Furthermore, Vajrapani is one of the earliest Dharmapalas and the only Buddhist Deity to be mentioned in the Pali Canon as well as be worshiped in the Shaolin Temple, Tibetan Buddhism, and even Pure Land Buddhism (where he is known as Mahasthamaprapta and is one of a Triad comprising Amitabha and Avalokiteshwara).
Manifestations of Vajrapani can also be found in many Buddhist temples in Japan as Dharma Protectors called Nio.
Vajrapani is also associated with Acala who is venerated as Fudo-Myo in Japan where he is serenaded as the holder of the Vajra.
Vajrapani here is different from that mentioned in the Vedas as Indra, the king of the Gods and the most widely mentioned Deity in all of the Indian scriptures.

💥 Vajrapani Channa Dorje Mantra: Om Vajrapani Hum Mantra | The Purification Of Speech in this video
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The Mantra OṂ VAJRAPĀṆI HŪṂ PHAṬ is associated with Vajrapani. His Seed Syllable is hūṃ.
The combined power and energy of all the Buddhas,
Supreme holder of the treasure of the Secret Teachings,
Subjugator of all maras and obscurers without exception;
I praise and pay homage to Vajrapani
Vajrapani (Holder of the Thunderbolt) represents the energy of the enlightened mind, and energy that breaks through delusion.
He dances wildly within a halo of flames, which represent the transformative power of Awakening.
He holds a vajra (thunderbolt) in his right hand, which emphasizes the power to cut through the darkness of delusion.
The Vajrapani mantra symbolizes the purification of speech, the image of Vajrapani symbolizes the purification of mind, and the mudra of Vajrapani symbolizes the purification of body. Once one’s body, speech, and mind are purified one is able to be close to one’s personal deity and one’s protector.

💥💥💥 Let enjoy “Vajrapani Channa Dorje Mantra: Om Vajrapani Hum Mantra | The Purification Of Speech .”

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