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🙏 Mahamayuri Vidyarajni Heart Mantra: Om Mayura Krante Svaha : Calamity Eradication🛡

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#mayuri #mahamayuri #peakcock #femalewisdomking #bodhisattva #eradication #enrichment #magnetization and #subjugation.
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Mahamayuri Vidyarajni Heart Mantra: Om Mayura Krante Svaha : Calamity Eradication
🙏 Who is Mahamayuri?

Mahamayuri (Sanskrit: महामायूरी Mahāmāyūrī (“great peacock”), Chinese: 孔雀明王 Kǒngquè Míngwáng, Vietnamese: Khổng Tước Minh Vương, Japanese: 孔雀明王, romanized: Kujaku Myōō, Korean: 공작명왕 Gongjak Myeongwang), or Mahāmāyūrī Vidyārājñī (Mahamayuri Vidyaraja ) is a bodhisattva and female Wisdom King in Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.
In the latter tradition, Mahamayuri is a popular practice in both the Chinese and Japanese forms of Vajrayana. She is also the name of one of the five protective goddesses in Buddhism.
The Sanskrit name Mahāmāyūrī means ‘great peacock’. Known as the ‘Queen of the secret sciences’ and the ‘Godmother of Buddha’, Mahamayuri is believed to have the power to protect devotees from poisoning, either physical or spiritual.
In Buddhism, her demeanor is in contrast to the wrathful attitudes of male personifications of the Wisdom Kings.
Mahamayuri belongs to the mother side of Vidyarajas, and of all the Vidyarajas, Mahamayuri is the one with a beautiful and compassionate aspect.
She has four arms:
• Her first right hand holds a white lotus symbolizing calamity eradication (removal of all calamities);Her first left hand holds a yellow auspicious fruit symbolizing increase in fortune (fortune increase in all aspects);
• Her second right hand holds a red matulunga symbolizing love and respect (perfectly harmonization of affinities);
• Her second left hand holds multi-colored peacock feathers symbolizing subjugation (subjugation of all demonic obstacles.).

💥 Mahamayuri Vidyarajni Heart Mantra: Om Mayura Krante Svaha : Calamity Eradication in this video
We are not the owner of this audio. All Purposes is for peace.

Om Mayura Krante Svaha
Oṃ Mayūra Krānte Svāhā
Oṃ Mayuriḥ Kiraṃte Svāhā
Om Mayurih Kiramte Svaha

The four hands of Mahamayuri represent calamity eradication, fortune enrichment, love & respect, and subjugation. All the wishes of humans are in her hands. One can cultivate this deity’s dharma for the purpose of calamity eradication, enrichment, magnetization, and subjugation.
In China, her veneration is thought to be closely related to medical care, public health, environmental protection, and social welfare.

💥💥💥 Let enjoy “Mahamayuri Vidyarajni Heart Mantra: Om Mayura Krante Svaha : Calamity Eradication .”

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