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[108 Times]🌊 Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra🌊

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Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra
🙏 The Heart Sūtra
The Heart Sūtra (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya) is a popular sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Sanskrit, the title Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya translates as “The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom”.
The Sutra famously states, “Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form.” It is a condensed exposé on the Buddhist Mahayana teaching of the Two Truths doctrine, which says that ultimately all phenomena are sunyata, empty of an unchanging essence.
This emptiness is a ‘characteristic’ of all phenomena, and not a transcendent reality, but also “empty” of an essence of its own. Specifically, it is a response to Sarvastivada teachings that “phenomena” or its constituents are real.
It has been called “the most frequently used and recited text in the entire Mahayana Buddhist tradition”. The text has been translated into English dozens of times from Chinese, Sanskrit and Tibetan as well as other source languages.

💥Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra mantra in this video

Tadyatha Om : Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.
(Sanskrit: गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा)

The key word is BODHI, a feminine noun in the vocative case, which means awakening. All the other words are also in the vocative feminine and therefore modify BODHI.
GATE – means gone.
PARAGATE – means gone to the further shore and is a stock Sanskrit expression used by Jains and Buddhists to refer to arahants. (The word PARA – means the bank of a river opposite to the one on which one is presently standing.)
PARASAMGATE – means completely gone to the further shore. (The prefix SAM is intensive in meaning: completely, thoroughly, altogether.)
SVAHA – It cannot really be translated, since it is a performative word rather than a word that conveys meaning.

The Perfection of Wisdom is the all powerful Mantra, the great enlightening mantra, the unexcelled mantra, the unequalled mantra, able to dispel all suffering. This is true and not false. The Perfection of Wisdom is then condensed in the mantra with which the sutra concludes: “Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasamgate Bodhi Svāhā” (literally “Gone gone, gone beyond, gone utterly beyond, Enlightenment hail!”).
In the long version, Buddha praises Avalokiteśvara for giving the exposition of the Perfection of Wisdom and all gathered rejoice in its teaching. Many schools traditionally have also praised the sutra by uttering three times the equivalent of “Mahāprajñāpāramitā” after the end of the recitation of the short version.

💥💥💥 Note: Recite the mantra at least 21 times or 108 times whenever possible. Then rest in the vibrational field created by your chanting. Allow frustration and doubt to dissolve, releasing energy for healing.
You become richer in inner resources, which leads to enriched outer resources as well, both material and spiritual. Affirm your connection to all life forms in the universe. Know that the benefits of your heartfelt wishes and efforts will flow from you into the world.
Let enjoy Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā | Praja Paramita Heart Mantra .

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