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[1 Hour]🤍 Chanting White Tara Mantra For Longevity | Cintachakra Mantra🤍

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Chanting White Tara Mantra For Longevity | Cintachakra Mantra

🙏Who is White Tara?
Tara is closely related to Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara), the Bodhisattva of Compassion. One story of her origin says that she was born from Chenrezig’s compassionate tears. People also think of her as the female manifestation of Chenrezig or his consort.
Though all the manifestations of Tara share the characteristic of compassion through this connection to Chenrezig, it is White Tara who is most closely linked to his essentially compassionate nature.
White Tara is seated in the more meditative diamond lotus position, with both legs folded under her, and her feet facing skyward.
White Tara has 7 eyes — with an eye in her forehead, and one on each hand and foot — symbolizing her compassionate vigilance to see all the suffering of the world.
Her left hand is in the protective mudra and her right in the wish-granting mudra. In her left hand she usually holds a stem of the Utpala lotus flower with three blossoms. One blossom is represented as a seed, a second as ready to bloom, and the third in full bloom. These represent the Buddhas of the past, future and present.
Often, a small image of Amitabha, a Buddha known for longevity, is portrayed as seated in White Tara’s headdress or slightly above her head.
💥 Chanting White Tara Mantra For Longevity | Cintachakra Mantra mantra in this video – performed by Anup Panthi
The White Tara Mantra: A mantra of daily purification and healing. White Tara is the goddess of longevity, health and compassion.
The White Tara mantra has a number of variations, but a common one in its Sanskrit form is:
The mantra is flexible, so if you wish to increase something else, you can just substitute in words for that which you wish to increase, and if you want to pray for your spiritual master’s long life, you can replace the word MAMA (which refers to me or mine) for your master’s name.

💥💥💥 Note: Recite the mantra at least 21 times or 108 times whenever possible. Then rest in the vibrational field created by your chanting. Allow frustration and doubt to dissolve, releasing energy for healing.
You become richer in inner resources, which leads to enriched outer resources as well, both material and spiritual. Affirm your connection to all life forms in the universe. Know that the benefits of your heartfelt wishes and efforts will flow from you into the world.

Let enjoy Chanting White Tara Mantra For Longevity | Cintachakra Mantra .
🎶 The benefits of meditation music
+Meditation music for mindfulness helps you reduce stress and anxiety. Stress is a common problem in today’s society.
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+ Inspiration: Listening to music while meditating will help you feel inspired, relax, and help you feel proud of yourself.
🧘 Meditation Melody – Sleeping music
Meditation Melody is a place where you find all the sound & healing meditation music of life for your relaxation and concentration.
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Đọc thêm các bài viết chính:

Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni, A Di Đà Phật, Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát, Đại Thế Chí Bồ Tát, Phổ Hiền Bồ Tát, Văn Thù Bồ Tát, Địa Tạng Vương Bồ Tát, Phật Dược Sư Lưu Ly Vương Quang, Liên Hoa Sanh Guru Rinpoche, Lục Độ Phật Mẫu – Tara.Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú, Chú Đại Bi Tiếng Việt, Chú Đại Bi tiếng Hoa, Chú Đại Bi tiếng Phạn, Chú Lăng Nghiệm, Chú Tiêu Tai Cát Tường, Chú Vãng Sanh, Chú Om Ah Hum

Thanh Âm Thư Giãn chân thành cảm ơn.

Thank you for listening to Chanting White Tara Mantra For Longevity | Cintachakra Mantra .
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