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🙏 Bodhisattva Space Treasury Mantra: Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Arya Kalmali Mauli Svaha🌟

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Bodhisattva Space Treasury Mantra: Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Arya Kalmali Mauli Svaha
🙏 Who is Akasagarbha?

Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva (Sanskrit: आकाशगर्भ बोधिसत्त्व; traditional Chinese: 虛空藏菩薩; pinyin: Xūkōngzàng Púsà; Korean: 허공장보살; Japanese: Kokūzō Bosatsu; Tibetan: Namkhai Nyingpo) is a Mahāyāna bodhisattva who is associated with the great element (mahābhūta) of space (ākāśa).
“The bodhisattva Space Treasury”: A bodhisattva whose wisdom and good fortune are said to be as vast and boundless as the universe.
Akashagarbha (Tibetan: Namkhai Nyingpo) Matrix of the Sky or Womb-of-Space
Akashagarbha is the principal Bodhisattva of the Jewel family. He is associated with the Eastern wisdom through the dawning of light from that direction.
He wears a white robe and holds a lotus with a large sword shedding that light in his left hand. He is known for his generosity and meritorious acts.
Akasagarbha is one of the 8 great Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism. His name can literally be translated as “void store” or “boundless space treasury”, His wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself.
The Bodhisattva is a symbol of perfect memory, knowledge, and intuition of Buddhist precepts. This deity is important in the Shingon school and other esoteric schools of Buddhism.
He is occasionally known as the twin brother of the “earth store” Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, and is even succinctly mentioned in the Sutra of The Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

💥 Bodhisattva Space Treasury Mantra: Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Arya Kalmali Mauli Svaha in this video
We are not the owner of this audio. All Purposes is for peace.
“Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Ali Kalmali Mauli Svaha”
Namo Ākāśagarbhāya Oṃ Ārya Kamari Mauli Svāhā
Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Arya Kalmali Mauli Svaha
Chinese: 南牟,阿迦捨,揭婆耶,唵,阿唎,迦麼唎,慕唎,莎訶!
Japanese pronunciation: nōbō akyasha kyarabaya on arikya mari bori sowaka
Translation: In the name of ākāśa-garbhāya Om Flower-Garland Lotus-Crown may it be accomplished
The mantra of Ākāśagarbha is popularly used by Shingon Buddhists, Chinese Buddhists following esoteric practices, and by artists. It is believed to give rise to wisdom and creativity, and dispel ignorance.

💥💥💥 Let enjoy “Bodhisattva Space Treasury Mantra: Namo Akasagarbhaya Om Arya Kalmali Mauli Svaha .”

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