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PODCAST: 5 Wisdom Dakini Mantras chanted: Increasing, Magnetizing, Subjugating, Peaceful Activities Power



Beautifully chanted by the amazing Yoko Dharma!

Bring the five powers of the Five Wisdom Dakinis into your life by chanting along with the mantras of Buddha Dakini, Padma Dakini, Vajra Dakini, Ratna Dakini and Karma Dakini! These activity Dakinis help bring us the powers of peaceful, magnetizing, subjugating, auspiciousness and supreme acitivites! (For those with faith and devotion.)

By popular request, this is the FIVE mantras, with visualized images version of our previous full documentary on the Wisdom Dakinis. So beautiful! In the background, Venerable Zasep Rinpoche recite/chants the Sacred Heart Sutra. Very profound — a beautiful meditation. Chant along with Yoko Dharma! (Mantras are subtitled for chant-along ease.)

NOTE: The Five Powers is a meditative statement. As with all “healing” and “empowering” mantras, it is subject to your own meditative skills, your faith, and always subject to the advice of your medical primary health care providers. Mantras and meditations are profoundly effective for those with faith, but with all the common-sense disclaimers.

Synopsis of the 5 Wisdom Dakinis: The five wisdom Dakinis are the “wisdom” counterparts of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. Dakinis symbolize wisdom activities and Dhyani Buddhas symbolize compassion and method. As the Enlightened Path includes both wisdom and compassion, these are inseparable — which is why the metaphor used is “consort.”

Whether wisdom is the consort of compassion or the reverse, is not important. They are co-equal partners. Generally, Wisdom activities are carried out by the Wisdom Dakinis. And, this is where the five activities represented by five dakinis become important. Each of these is represented by a color.

Four Activities and the Supreme In general, there are four activities — plus, the supreme activity. The four activities are peaceful, increasing, magnetizing, and subjugating, and the fifth is the supreme — which is the ultimate combination of all of these. These are represented by the five colors: white for peaceful activities, yellow for increasing activities, red for magnetizing activities, blue for subjugating. The fifth is green, which is considered to be the combination of all the other four — the supreme.

This is why Green Tara and Vajra Dakini are considered to be the “ultimate action heroes” — since they combine all the types of activities in one magnificent Dakini aspect. The great Padmasambhava, quoted from the book Dakini Activity, defines the vital role of the wisdom Dakini best (from Dakini Activity (book) by Padmasambhava.

“The source of activity is the dakini and there are five kinds of activities, peaceful, increasing, magnetizing, subjugating, and the supreme activity. The primary way to perfect these is through dakini practices, and among dakinis, there are the wisdom dakinis, in space and worldly. These vast collections of practices can be condensed into those of the three roots, lama, yidam, and dakini. “The source of blessings is the lama, the source of accomplishment is the yidam, and the source of activities is the dakinis. The one who carries out the activities for the lama and the yidam is the dakini, in other words, the virtue of blessings and accomplishment is the activity, which is the dakini.”

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